Our packages

As the market leader in central europe, we offer you the most comprehensive and professional service for your journey to the USA.

At first glance, our service packages appear more expensive than the competition. If you look closely, you will see that we already include many of the external costs involved.

These include: costs for tests, your visa, various registrations and much more.
Other providers do not include these costs and often conceal these costs from you before concluding the contract.

übersicht der leistungen anhand des All-Star Paketes

Erstellung eines professionellen Athletenprofils und Schnitt des Bewerbungsvideos

Vermarktung bei allen relevanten Colleges

Hilfestellung bei Kommunikation mit Trainern und Auswahl des passenden Angebots

Übernahme der Anmeldung beim Collegesportverband inkl. Gebühren

Ein Admission Expert übernimmt die Bewerbung samt Gebühren bis zur Studienplatzbestätigung

Ein Admission Expert übernimmt die Bewerbung samt Gebühren bis zur Studien -platzbestätigung

Zugang zum Videoportal, 7 Gruppenstunden und ein E-Book für die Vorbereitung der Eignungstests

Kostenlose Teilnahme an 2 Showcases in der DACH-Region

Dreh und Bearbeitung des Bewerbervideos durch professionellen Videografen bei Showcase-Teilnahme

Zwei Anmeldungen inkl. Kostenübernahme für die sprachlichen und akademischen Zugangstests

Übersetzung und Evaluierung aller relevanten Zeugnisse durch zertifizierte Übersetzerin

Kostenlose Organisation eines Universitäten-Wechsels während des Studiums in den USA

Garantiertes Praktikum bei Scholarbook nach Abschluss des Studiums

Übernahme des Visums-Antrags inkl. Gebühren

Garantierte 5-jährige Betreuung bis zum Studienabschluss

im überblick

Unsere Leistungen & pakete auf
einen Blick

Als Marktführer bieten wir dir den umfangreichsten und professionellsten Service für deinen Weg in die USA.

Als Marktführer bieten wir dir den umfangreichsten und professionellsten Service für deinen Weg in die USA.Auf den ersten Blick erscheinen unsere Servicepakete teurer als die der Konkurrenz. Bei genauem Hinschauen wirst du jedoch erkennen, dass viele der anfallenden externe Kosten bei uns bereits beinhaltet sind.

Dies sind z.B: Kosten für Tests, dein Visum, verschiedene Registrierungen und vieles mehr.

Bei anderen Anbietern sind diese Kosten nicht inkludiert und oft verschweigen sie dir diese Kosten vor dem Vertragsabschluss.


5.750 €

“The most holistic consulting and the strongest network in the industry.”

1. Upon the start of the collaboration
2.000 €

2. Upon promotion to all relevant colleges
2.000 €

3. Upon decision for a university
1.750 €

“The most holistic consulting and the strongest network in the industry.”

Support & Placement

Included external costs: 400 €

Creation of a professional athlete profile and editing of the application video
Fees of 400 € included

Promotion to all relevant colleges

Assistance with communication with coaches and selection of the right offer

Assistance with all registrations and applications

Included external costs: 400 €

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Additional Costs & Tasks

Please note:
Since most of the tasks outside of the promotion process in the Standard package are handled by you, the athletes and families, you will need to account for additional costs and workload.

Bitte beachtet:
Da alle Arbeitsschritte abseits des Promotion-
Prozesses im Standard Paket zu weiten Teilen von euch Sportler*innen und Familien erledigt werden, müsst ihr zusätzliche Kosten und Arbeitsaufwand einplanen.

Additional Costs:
Approximately 3.550€

Additional Time Investment:
Approximately 60 hours



“The most comfortable and safest way to the USA, as we cover absolutely all fees for you.”

1. Upon the start of the collaboration
3.000 €

2. Upon promotion to all relevant colleges
3.000 €

3. Mit Entscheidung für eine Universität
3.500 €

“The most comfortable and safest way to the USA, as we cover absolutely all fees for you.”

Support & Placement

Included external costs: 400 €

Including all services from the standard- package

Included external costs: 400 €

Inkludierte externe Kosten: 400 €

Administrative processes

Included external costs: 2.855 €

Basis for the coaches' inquiries

Correction of the application video by our videographer
Fees of 200 € included

Registration with the collegiate sports association
Fees of 160 € included

Korrektur des Bewerbungsvideos durch unseren Videografen
Gebühren von 200€ inkl.

Durchführung der Anmeldung beim Collegesportverband  
Gebühren von 160€ inkl.

Offer and application phase

Access to the Scholarbook test platform for optimal test preparation
Fees of 250 € included

Registration for all relevant tests and rescheduling
Fees of 520 € included

Evaluation of all relevant transcript
Fees of 500 € included

An admission expert will handle the university application process until the confirmation of admission
Fees of 75 € included

After receiving the scholarship contract

Handling of the visa application
Fees of 600 € included

Durchführung der Anmeldung beim Collegesportverband
Gebühren von 160€ inkl.

Evaluierung aller relevanten Zeugnisse
Gebühren von 500€ inkl.

Ein Admission Expert übernimmt die Unibewerbung bis zur Studienplatzbestätigung  
Gebühren von 75€ inkl.

Included external costs: 2.305 €

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With comparable agencies, you often only receive support with the university application (including fees) and assistance with the visa application (without fees). However, the final processing remains your responsibility.

Zusätzliche Kosten:
ca. 2.400€

Zusätzlicher Zeitaufwand:
ca. 60 Stunden

Bitte beachtet:
Da alle Arbeitsschritte abseits des Promotion-Prozesses im Standard Paket zu weiten Teilen von euch Sportler*innen und Familien erledigt werden, müsst ihr zusätzliche Kosten und Arbeitsaufwand einplanen.

With us, everything is covered:
We handle the entire process for you – from the complete university application to the visa application. Our service includes all the necessary steps, including all applicable fees.



“The best package in the industry with the highest chances of success and the most long-term support.”

1. Upon the start of the collaboration
4.000 €

2. Upon promotion to all relevant colleges
4.000 €

3. Upon decision for a university
4.000 €

“The best package in the industry with the highest chances of success and the most long-term support.”

Support & Placement

Included external costs: 400 €

Including all services from the standard- package

ncluded external costs: 400 €

Inkludierte externe Kosten: 400 €

Administrative processes

Included external costs: 2.855 €

Including all services from the profi- package

Included external costs: 2.305 €

Inkludierte externe Kosten: 400 €

Premium services

Included external costs: 6.250 €

Chance optimization

Analysis and optimization of the video material by professional video analysts
Fees of 400 € included

Intensive courses for test preparation
Fees of 750 € included

Registration for a retake of the college admission tests
Fees of 200 € included

Intensivkurse zur Testvorbereitung  
Gebühren von 750€ inkl.

Long-term support

Free organization of a university transfer during studies in the U.S.
Fees of 4.000 € included

Guaranteed 5-year support until graduation

Guaranteed internship at Scholarbook after graduation

Ein Admission Expert übernimmt die Unibewerbung bis zur Studienplatzbestätigung  
Gebühren von 75€ inkl.

Extra comfort

Extra Komfort

Translation of all relevant transcripts by certified translators
Fees of 600 € included

Organization of an official university visit in the U.S.

Durchführung der Anmeldung beim Collegesportverband
Gebühren von 160€ inkl.

Evaluierung aller relevanten Zeugnisse
Gebühren von 500€ inkl.

Ein Admission Expert übernimmt die Unibewerbung bis zur Studienplatzbestätigung  
Gebühren von 75€ inkl.

Included external costs: 5.950 €

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Bei vergleichbaren Agenturen erhaltet Ihr oft nur Unterstützung bei der Universitäts-bewerbung (inklusive Gebühren) und Hilfestellung bei der Visumsbeantragung (ohne Gebühren). Die finale Abwicklung bleibt jedoch in Eurer Verantwortung.

Zusätzliche Kosten:
ca. 2.400€

Zusätzlicher Zeitaufwand:
ca. 60 Stunden

Bitte beachtet:
Da alle Arbeitsschritte abseits des Promotion-Prozesses im Standard Paket zu weiten Teilen von euch Sportler*innen und Familien erledigt werden, müsst ihr zusätzliche Kosten und Arbeitsaufwand einplanen.

Mit uns ist alles abgedeckt:
Wir übernehmen für Euch die gesamte Abwicklung – von der vollständigen Universitätsbewerbung bis hin zur Beantragung des Visums. Unser Service umfasst sämtliche erforderlichen Schritte inklusive aller anfallenden Gebühren.



When collaboration starts


After marketing to all relevant colleges


After choosing a university
The entry into the world of scholarship placement. The standard package is based on the service packages offered by other agencies and essentially only offers brokerage services.
Detailed services
  • Professional athlete profile + video
  • Checklist for independent processing of all steps up to
    Study place confirmation
  • Marketing at all relevant colleges
  • Assistance with communication with trainers and selection of the appropriate offer



When collaboration starts


After marketing to all relevant colleges


After choosing a university
In the All-Star package, you receive the comprehensive, holistic and sustainable support that Scholarbook stands for and has the best chance of winning a top scholarship.
Detailed services
  • Access to the video portal, participation in 7 group lessons and provision of a
    E-books to prepare for admission tests
  • Two registrations including reimbursement of language and academic costs
    Access tests
  • Translation and evaluation of all relevant certificates by certified translator
  • Free organization of university changes while studying in the USA
  • Guaranteed internship with Scholarbook after graduation
  • Guaranteed 5-year support until graduation



When collaboration starts


After marketing to all relevant colleges


After choosing a university
In the professional package, you get the real Scholarbook experience through our personal support and support in all areas.
Detailed services
  • Free participation in 2 showcases in the DACH region (Soccer and Golf)
  • Shooting and editing of the applicant video by professional videographers at
  • Assistance with communication with trainers and selection of the appropriate offer
  • Acceptance of registration and payment for standardized tests and with the College Sports Association
  • Registration and reimbursement of costs for a second academic attempt
    Access tests
  • Evaluation of all relevant certificates
  • Acceptance of the university application including fees by Admission Expert until confirmation of study place has been received
  • Acceptance of the visa application including fees
For ball and team sports, additional costs are incurred with the Professional and All-Star packages due to the higher placement effort. Further information will be provided after completing the opportunity assessment. These sports include soccer, tennis, field hockey, basketball, volleyball, water polo, and golf.

Pricing FAQs

Why do our packages include external costs?

On the one hand, it is our philosophy as a premium provider to relieve as much work and bureaucracy as possible. On the other hand, it is much more practicable, as we can thus prevent delays and problems in the process and thus guarantee a smoother process for everyone involved.
In other words: less work for you, smooth processes and an easy journey to the USA!

How high are the external costs in the standard package?

Since all work steps apart from the promotion process in the standard package are largely carried out by you athletes and your families, you will have to pay additional costs